Thursday, March 24, 2022
Administration Building

Preliminary Items

The meeting will be in-person at the Administration Service Center and live-streamed on Zoom or via telephone 1-253-215-8782, ID# 885 4749 8750 and follow the prompts.  You may also observe on our YouTube Channel.

2 5:00 PM

The Board will be going into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 to consider personnel matters. The session will last 60 minutes.  Executive Sessions are not open to the public and no action will be taken.

3 6:00 PM

The Board will be going into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.140 related to collective bargaining, lasting 60 minutes.  In addition to the Board, Superintendent Thiele and members of the Administration will be present.  Executive Sessions are not open to the public and no action will be taken.

4 7:00 PM

Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance - note the later start time

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5 7:05 PM

Student Input

This is a standing opportunity for students to dialog with the Board.

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6 7:15 PM

Public Input

This is an opportunity for public input on items not already scheduled for discussion on the meeting agenda.

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7 7:25 PM

Approval of Consent Agenda

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8 7:30 PM

Establishment of Regular Agenda

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General: Discussion/Action Topics
1 7:35 PM

Superintendent Search Update - Board

As of this meeting, it is anticipated the Board will have interviewed the three final candidates for a new superintendent to begin the 2022-23 school year.  Board action is possible.

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2 7:50 PM

Proposed New Governance Policy on Student Representatives - Board

The Board antidipates holding a first read on the new GP with regard to student reps.

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3 8:05 PM

Legislative Matters - Board (GP-3)

This is a standing opportunity to discuss educational legislation.

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4 8:20 PM

Works in Progress - Thiele (EL-8)

This is a standing opportunity for the Superintendent to provide a brief status report on various projects and activities in the District.

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5 8:30 PM

Announcements and Correspondence - Board (GP-4)

This is a standing opportunity for the Board to share announcements and correspondence.

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6 8:35 PM

Calendar and Future Agenda Topics - Board (GP-2)

The Board will review/identify topics for future board meeting agendas and other special calendar items, as well as schedule special meetings/work sessions.

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7 8:45 PM


Consent: Consent Agenda Topics

2021-22 OSPI Asset Preservation Program Ratings Report for Indicated Buildings - Turney

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Resolution 1181 Water Testing & Remediation Plan - Kuper/Turney/Carter

4 files attached.

Cougar Mountain MS/MS #6 – CO #19- Mullins

1 file attached.

Issaquah High School-Stadium Improvements -Authorization to Issue Notice of Intent to Award Contract and Notice to Proceed - Mullins

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Minutes - Board

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Certificated Employee Leaves of Absence (2021-2022) - Hood

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Certificated Employee Resignations/Retirements/Non-Renewals (2021-2022) - Hood

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Classified New Employees (2021-22) - Hood

1 file attached.

Classified Employee Resignationa/Retirements/Terminations (2021-22) - Hood

1 file attached.

Guidelines for public participation at board meetings

Board meetings are open to the public. They are designed to conduct board business rather than to serve as a public hearing, unless a public hearing is scheduled. Individuals wishing to give public comment on a specific agenda item where public comment is being accepted should wait to be recognized by the Board President during that agenda item. All other public comment should be given under the agenda item Public Comment. In the interest of time management, individual input is limited to two minutes. An individual may also submit a prepared statement to be given to the board secretary prior to the oral presentation.

Comments/concerns relative to district personnel should not be heard in public; rather, they should be directed through the Parent Complaints Against District Employees policy, obtained through the superintendent's office at (425) 837-7002.