Executive Session - The Board will be going into Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.110 to consider legal matters. The Executive Session will last 30 minutes. Ron Thiele, Superintendent, Joshua Almy, Deputy Superintendent, Emilie Hard, Assistant Superintendent of Teaching and Learning, Jacob Kuper, Chief Financial Officer, Jodi Bongard, Assistant Superintendent of Elementary Education, Lisa Hechtman, Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, Chris Burton, Executive Director of Compliance and Legal Affairs and Denise Stiffarm, Attorney will be in attendance. Executive Sessions are not open to the public and no action will be taken.
Executive Session pursuant to RCW 42.30.140(2). The Board will meet for 50 minutes to consider a quasi judicial matter between named parties.
Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
Student Input
This is a standing opportunity for students to dialog with the Board.
Public Input
This is also an opportunity for public input on items not already scheduled for discussion on the meeting agenda.
Approval of Consent Agenda
Establishment of Regular Agenda
Equity Community Meetings and Potential Equity Policy - EL-16 - Board
The Board will give a report-out on the community meetings held on May 21st and 22nd and have a discussion about their potential Equity Policy.
Resolution No. 1116 Capital Facilities Plan 2018 - Thiele/Kuper/Turney
Naming Issaquah High School Performing Arts Center - Thiele/Phelps
The Administration will present a recommendation for naming the Issaquah High School Performing Arts Center.
Monitoring Report EL-2 Treatment of People - Thiele (GP-2)
EL-2 Treatment of People was reviewed during the May 9th board meeting. Since that meeting, EL-2 has been revised and Board action is anticipated.
Monitoring Report Ends 4 Life Management and Personal Awareness - Thiele (GP-2)
The Administration will present Ends 4 Life Management and Personal Awareness. Board action is anticipated.
Capital Projects Update - Thiele/Kuper (EL-13)
The Administration will give a district-wide update on construction projects.
Legislative Matters - Board (GP-3)
This is a standing opportunity to discuss educational legislation.
Works in Progress - Thiele (EL-8)
This is a standing opportunity for the Superintendent to provide a brief status report on various projects and activities in the District.
Announcements and Correspondence - Board (GP-4)
This is a standing opportunity for the Board to share announcements and correspondence.
Calendar and Future Agenda Topics - Board (GP-2)
The Board will review/identify topics for future board meeting agendas and other special calendar items, as well as schedule special meetings/work sessions.
March 2018 Budget Status Report - Kuper
Cougar Ridge Elementary and Sunset Elementary Schools - Change Order #6 - Kuper
Resolution No. 1119 Annual Renewal of the WIAA Membership - Burton/Phelps
Resolution No. 1120 Interlocal Agreement - Everett Public Schools - Kuper/Maybee
Authorization of Summer Athletics - Thiele/Burton
Elementary Social Studies Curriculum Adoption - Hard
Gifts - Almy/Bongard/Phelps
Minutes - Board
Certificated Employee Resignations (2017-18) – Hechtman
Certificated Employee Leaves of Absence (2018-19) – Hechtman
Certificated Employee Contracts (2018-19) – Hechtman
Supplemental Contracts/Employment Agreements - Hechtman
Classified New Employees (2017-18) - Hechtman
Classified Employee Resignations/Retirements/Terminations (2017-18) - Hechtman
Board meetings are open to the public. They are designed to conduct board business rather than to serve as a public hearing, unless a public hearing is scheduled. Individuals wishing to give public comment on a specific agenda item where public comment is being accepted should wait to be recognized by the Board President during that agenda item. All other public comment should be given under the agenda item Public Comment. In the interest of time management, individual input is limited to two minutes. An individual may also submit a prepared statement to be given to the board secretary prior to the oral presentation.
Comments/concerns relative to district personnel should not be heard in public; rather, they should be directed through the Parent Complaints Against District Employees policy, obtained through the superintendent's office at (425) 837-7002.